Whistleblowing reports to Finanstilsynet
Last published: 8 November 2022
Who may blow the whistle and which conditions are reportable?
Anyone may notify Finanstilsynet of violations of the legislation administered by Finanstilsynet:
Finanstilsynet's whistleblowing scheme must not be used for
If you are a customer of an institution supervised by Finanstilsynet, you should not use the whistleblowing scheme if you want to lodge a complaint. Finanstilsynet does not handle customer complaints and conflicts that arise between the institutions and their customers. More information about complaints processing can be found on our information pages for consumers:
Disclosure of other censurable conditions outside Finanstilsynet's area of responsibility
As an employee, you also have the right to report other censurable conditions at your employer's undertaking, cf. Section 2 A-1 of the Working Environment Act. If you are employed in an institution that is supervised by Finanstilsynet, your employer will normally be required, pursuant to the Working Environment Act, to prepare procedures for internal whistleblowing. You can choose whether to report internally to your employer, or externally to a public authority. More information can be found on the Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority’s website:
If Finanstilsynet receives a report on censurable conditions that are another public authority's area of responsibility, the whistleblower will be referred to the appropriate authority.
How to blow the whistle
You can choose to report anonymously or to use your name and contact details. Finanstilsynet receives and follows up whistleblowing reports and may keep in contact with the whistleblower as and if required. This can happen anonymously through the online whistleblowing portal, even if the whistleblower has not identified him/herself.
Anonymous whistleblowing portal
If you wish to report anonymously, we recommend that you do so through the whistleblowing portal without providing contact information. You will find a contact form in the whistleblowing portal. You can also send attachments in the whistleblowing portal. The portal has a secure mailbox that enables anonymous communication with Finanstilsynet.
You may send a letter to Finanstilsynet's at the following address:
Revierstredet 3
P.O. Box 1187 Sentrum
N-0107 Oslo
Duty of confidentiality and whistleblower protection
Even if the whistleblower has not reported anonymously to Finanstilsynet, we will seek to protect the whistleblower's identity within the limits of the law. No right of access is normally given to reports, tips and other documents about offences from private individuals.
The scope of Finanstilsynet's duty of confidentiality in a whistleblowing case depends on what is reported. If the report concerns censurable conditions at the employer's undertaking, Finanstilsynet is, pursuant to the Working Environment Act, obliged to prevent other persons from gaining knowledge of the employee’s name, also in relation to parties to the case.
Protection of whistleblowers in an employment relationship
According to the Working Environment Act, whistleblowers in an employment relationship are protected against retaliation from the employer.
Feedback from Finanstilsynet
As a whistleblower, you will not receive feedback about the status or result of your notification.