Banking and finance
Laws and regulations
Last published: 30 September 2024
Laws and regulations related to banking and finance.
The translations are for information purposes only. Legal authenticity remains with the original Norwegian version as published in “Norsk Lovtidend” (also see Lovdata).
Please see the Faculty of Law Library's website (University of Oslo Library) for a collection of translated Norwegian legislation.
- Act on financial institutions and financial groups (Financial Institutions Act)
- Act relating to Measures to Combat Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing (the Anti-Money Laundering Act)
- Act on the Norwegian Banks' Guarantee Fund
- Act relating to the control of marketing and contract terms and conditions, etc.
- Regulations on financial institutions and financial groups (Financial Institutions Regulations)
- Regulations on the measurement of own funds of banks, mortgage companies, finance companies, pension undertakings, clearing houses and investment firms
- Regulations on capital requirements and national adaptation of CRR/CRD IV (CRR/CRD IV regulations)
- Regulations on payment services systems
- Regulations on financial institutions’ lending practices
- Regulations on the supervision of financial institutions and fund management companies whose head office is in another EEA State and which carry on business in Norway etc.