Reporting from entities subject to financial reporting oversight (KRT-1003)
Published: 11 February 2025
Last published: 12 February 2025
The KRT-1003 form shall be completed by all entities listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange (Oslo Børs/Euronext Expand) that issue shares, bonds and/or equity certificates, and that have Norway as their home state.
All entities listed on 31 December 2024 are obliged to report. Companies that have been delisted after 31 December 2024 can apply for an exemption.
Deadline for reporting
The estimated date for publication of KRT-1003 in Altinn is 10 March 2025. The reporting deadline is 9 May 2025.
The KRT-1003 reporting forms the basis for Finanstilsynet's risk-based selection of entities and financial statements to be controlled, and it is therefore of great importance that all entities comply with the reporting deadline of 9 May 2025.
Deficiencies in KRT-1003 reporting
Following a review of KRT-1003 reporting from entities for the 2023 financial year, Finanstilsynet found a large number of errors. Reference is made to point 3.6 of the report "Kontroll av noterte foretaks finansielle rapportering i 2024".
Guidance for KRT-1003 for financial year 2024
The guidance contains all the questions and answer options that will be contained in this year's KRT-1003. Guidance notes and explanations for questions are included where relevant. Finanstilsynet reserves the right to make minor changes to the form prior to publication in Altinn, estimated to be on 10 March 2025.
Entities are encouraged to read through the guidance as early as possible to ensure that sufficient time and resources are set aside to answer the form.
Link to KRT-1003 guidance:
Reporting to the Finanstilsynet pursuant to section 5-5 of the Securities Trading Act - audit report
Finanstilsynet also reminds entities of the self-reporting requirement according to the Securities Trading Act. In accordance with section 5-5, if the auditor has issued an adverse or qualified audit opinion in the audit report, or if the auditor has added an emphasis of matter paragraph or drawn attention to other matters that users should be made aware of, Finanstilsynet and the regulated market concerned shall be notified accordingly as soon as the audit report has been received by the entity. The notification is to be sent to