Financial reporting
Last published: 4 July 2022
Disclosure and storage of periodic financial reporting
Finanstilsynet may impose a violation penalty on listed issuers who fail to meet the reporting deadlines.
- Guidelines - Violation charge related to periodic financial reporting
- Suspension and temporary halt to trading in quoted financial instruments on grounds of failure to publish periodic financial reports
Exemptions from periodic financial reporting requirements for third country issuers / Equivalence assessments
Finanstilsynet has concluded that certain U.S. periodic financial reporting requirements (related to Form-20-F) are equivalent to the Norwegian legislation incorporating the Transparency Directive. Thus, Finanstilsynet has granted certain exemptions, related to the annual report, to third country issuers listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange and listed in the U.S., having Norway as their home state in the EEA.
Even though Finanstilsynet has concluded on equivalence, issuers applying U.S. periodic financial reporting requirements have to submit an application to Finanstilsynet in order to get an exemption.
For more information, please see:
- Public letters regarding exceptions from periodic financial reporting requirements for third country issuers / equivalence assessments (Norwegian only)
Guidance: Periodic financial reporting – information to third country issuers
4 July 2022: This guidance replaces Finanstilsynet's circular 10/2011.
Filing of annual financial reports, half-yearly financial reports and quarterly reports to Finanstilsynet
Information about filing of periodic financial reporting to Finanstilsynet, cf. the Securities
Trading Act § 5-12, subsection (2), is provided in:
- Circular no. 5/2008 (Norwegian only)
- Circular no. 14/2008
Some accounting-related issues based on financial reporting supervision in 2008 – point 3.1. Reports are deemed to have been filed to Finanstilsynet once they have been stored in the official storage mechanism (OAM), cf. the Securities Trading Act § 5-12, subsection (1).
Finanstilsynet would like to stress that an actual copy of the financial reporting must be stored and that it is not sufficient to store a link to another website from which the financial reporting is accessible. Finanstilsynet will have access to the stored financial reporting meaning that issuers are not required to file reports separately to Finanstilsynet, or report that the reporting has been filed. Issuers that have an obligation to file financial reporting to Finanstilsynet pursuant to other legislation must continue to do so.
Reporting from entities subject to financial reporting oversight (KRT-1003)
Finanstilsynet requires a separate yearly report (KRT-1003) from all issuers of listed securities having Norway as the home Member State, cf. the Norwegian Securities Trading Regulations section 13-5. More information about KRT-1003 and reporting: