Offentlige brev - rapportering
Publisert: 6. mars 2017
Sist endret: 13. mai 2024
Finanstilsynet kan ilegge overtredelsesgebyr for forsinket offentliggjøring av årsrapport og delårsrapport og overtredelsen har skjedd forsettlig eller uaktsomt. Vedtak om overtredelsesgebyr er vist nedenfor.
Eldre brev
Unntak fra rapporteringskrav for tredjelandsutstedere/ekvivalensvurdering
- Application for exemption according to the Securities Trading Regulation section 5-7 - Golden Ocean Group Limited
- Exemption according to the securities trading regulation section 5-7 - Transeuro Energy Corp
- Application for exemption according to the Securities Trading Regulation section 5-7 - Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd.
- Application for exemption according to the securities trading regulation section 5-7 - Seadrill Limited
- Application for exemption according to the securities trading regulation section 5-7 - Frontline
- Application for exemption according to the securities trading regulation section 5-7 - Golar