Last published: 1 July 2024
Finanstilsynet is the competent prospectus authority and responsible for the operative control and approval of EEA prospectuses.
Prospectus Register
The Financial Supervisory Authority of Norway ("Finanstilsynet") has developed a portal, Prospectus Register, for the issuer, the offeror or the person asking for admission to trading to register approved prospectuses, supplements and final terms with required accompanying data. The purpose of the portal is to fulfil requirements following article 20 and 21 of the Prospectus Regulation. Data registered in the portal will also be registered with Finanstilsynet and made available in the ESMA registers.
Once a prospectus, supplement is approved or final terms filled, the issuer, the offeror or the person asking for admission to trading shall use this portal to submit these no later than the end of the first working day after the prospectus is approved.
If the prospectus is to be passported, the prospectus must be registered within 14:00 on a working day, for the prospectus to be passported by Finanstilsynet the next working day.
Prospectuses approved by Finanstilsynet can be found in the ESMA register.
If you have any questions, please contact us at
The new Prospectus Regulation (EU) 2017/1129 came into effect in Norwegian legislation on 21 July 2019, with certain implications for prospectus requirements.
Public offers for subscription or purchase of transferable securities, cf. STA §7-2, and admission to trading on a regulated market, cf. STA §7-3, trigger requirement for a prospectus for issuers.
The issuer shall prepare a prospectus pursuant to the Norwegian Securities Trading Act Chapter 7 of the regulations, or in accordance with the equivalent rules and other EEA member state that can be used cross-border, acc. STA §7-9, first paragraph.
An issuer who is to submit an EEA prospectus for approval must send this to e-mail address
See "Guideline on prospectus approval process (Norwegian only)" for further information on the approval process, procedural deadlines, requirement for completeness and more.
For cover notes when submitting a prospectus for approval, please see:
- Cover note equity (word, updated 26.05.2016)
- Cover note equity (electronic, updated 26.05.2016)
- Cover notes bond (word, updated 17.10.2018)
- Cover notes bond (electronic, updated 17.10.2018)
Prospectus Fees